
Welcome Alumni

Every day talented, eager students come to Carlisle School to learn the valuable skills of leadership, character, and intellect. This page is for our alumni who were shaped by the Carlisle experience. It offers a chance for you to reconnect with one another and also to work together to ensure a secure future for Carlisle School.
  • Each month we share the story of a Carlisle alum. Visit the Alumni Highlights page to read past stories and submit your own.

Alumni Engagement Committee

Members of Carlisle School’s Alumni Engagement Committee (AEC) meet virtually once per month to support efforts that keep the Carlisle spirit alive in our alumni. 

The group is led by co-chairs Ainsley Johnston Heffinger ’05 and Pres Garrett ’04. All alums are invited to join the committee. Contact us for details.


Alumni Directory

Help update our database and share your knowledge and wisdom with current students through the Alumni Directory. Be sure to update your participation preferences in the form below to be considered as a resource for students seeking college and career advice.

Update your information below.
  • If your address has changed or you have not received mail from Carlisle within the past year, please update your address for us.
  • If your email has changed or you have not received an email from us in the past several months, please update your email address below.
  • (Even If you did not graduate from Carlisle, please indicate the class you would have graduated with.)
  • New career? Wedding bells? A new child?
  • In the space below, please list the college(s) you are attending or have graduated from. Please also tell us what degrees you have earned.
  • Are you willing to participate in any of the following to enhance our College Counseling Program during COVID restrictions and beyond?
  • We are excited to link alumni who are willing to share knowledge of their field through a virtual field trip or an on-campus visit with subject areas and classrooms. Please check all that apply for your career field.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.